Organized shelves

The First Steps to Getting Organized (From a Professional Organizer!)

Sometimes just thinking about getting organized is overwhelming. What do you start with first? Computer files? Photographs? Closets? Your office? There are many strategies to getting organized,  some we’ve heard along the way and many we have used ourselves. However, taking the first step is the most important and can help you tremendously.  If you feel like there are so many places to start, choose one of these four tasks to kick start your organizing.

Never touch a piece of paper more than once

In some cases, this may be impossible but if you practice this as much as possible you will end up saving yourself a lot of time and may naturally start to avoid procrastinating. Check off the to-do item that the piece of paper provokes — whether that means making a phone call, sending an email, or putting it away in a file to be saved.

Always keep daily items in the same place

Keys, wallets, sunglasses and anything else you take with you every day. Use a bowl or a valet that sits near your door. By creating a routine for these easy to lose items you will lose them less often and will save yourself time. Being more organized at the start of your day will lead you to a more productive day with less stress.

Keep it, Toss it – or donate it!

Set a time frame that you are comfortable with — 6 months or 1 year. If you haven’t used or touched an item in this time frame, put it in the to be donated or to be junked pile. Ask Simplified to help you by picking up clothes, books, toys or anything else accumulating in your space and we will drop it off to Goodwill or other non-profits that have a need for these items.

Know when you need additional storage

As a professional organizer, one of the key indicators that it’s time to consider additional storage is when your current space feels consistently cluttered despite your best efforts to organize. If you find yourself constantly shuffling items around to make room or struggling to access everyday items due to overcrowding, it may be a sign that your space lacks adequate storage solutions. Additionally, if you’ve already maximized the storage potential of your existing furniture and closets and still have items left without a designated home, investing in supplementary storage options such as shelves, bins, or cabinets can help alleviate the clutter and create a more functional and visually appealing environment. Remember, effective organization isn’t just about decluttering—it’s also about finding the right storage solutions to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Discovering the world of Simplified Organizing and partnering with professional organizers can be transformative for those seeking to regain control of their spaces and lives. By harnessing the expertise and guidance of seasoned organizers, individuals can unlock the potential of their environments and experience the liberating effects of a clutter-free and organized lifestyle. From streamlining daily routines to fostering a sense of peace and tranquility within the home, the benefits of working with professional organizers extend far beyond mere tidiness. Embrace the opportunity to embark on a journey towards greater efficiency, productivity, and harmony, and let Simplified Organizing be your trusted ally in achieving your organizational goals.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in 2016 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.