Away Checklist

The Ultimate Away Checklist for Stress-Free Travel

Picture this: Sweet summer has arrived, and you hear sandy beach waves and scenic road trips calling your name. You find the perfect vacation spot, pack everything you need, and hit the road. After traveling, you finally get to your stay and take a moment to stretch and breathe. You feel refreshed and rejuvenated already. You’re tired after your travels, so you order some food service and drinks and start to doze off—but you jolt awake. Did you lock the back door? You look at your phone and see the handyman is coming by tomorrow for that appointment you forgot about. You have a missed call from the dog sitter, too. Suddenly, your getaway feels not so away, and you’re not able to relax because you didn’t prepare ahead of time.

While there are lots of packing checklists out there, an away checklist for the stuff you’re leaving behind could help you avoid a situation like this one. Staying true to our name, we at Simplified put one together for you so you can spend more time at the beach and less time on the phone.

Away Checklist for a Stress-Free Vacation

  1. Unplug Unnecessary Appliances: Save energy and reduce fire risks by unplugging devices that won’t be in use.
  2. Close Blinds: Keep your home cool and maintain privacy by closing all blinds.
  3. Turn Off Lights: Consider leaving one light on a timer to avoid the appearance of a vacant home.
  4. Set Thermostat: Adjust the thermostat to save energy while you’re away.
  5. Ensure Faucets Are Off: Double-check all faucets to prevent water damage.
  6. Check Plumbing and Pipes: Inspect for any iffy plumbing to avoid potential bursts.
  7. Dispose of Perishables: Give away perishables to avoid coming back to fruit flies or a smelly fridge.
  8. Do Laundry Beforehand: You’ll want to hop right into your nice clean bed when you get back.
  9. Secure All Entry Points: Lock front and back doors, windows, garage, and gates.
  10. Maintain Your Lawn: Mow the lawn and trim bushes to avoid an overgrown appearance.
  11. Manage Sprinklers: Set or turn off sprinklers as needed.
  12. Fill Up on Gas: Ensure your car is ready for use upon your return.
  13. Activate Security System: Double-check and activate your alarm and/or security system.
  14. Arrange for House Checks: Have someone check on the house and take out the trash.
  15. Manage Mail Collection: Arrange for mail collection to avoid signaling that the home is vacant.
  16. Secure Valuables: Put valuables in a safe box or hide them in unconventional places.
  17. Trusted Key Holder: Have someone you trust carry the spare key instead of hiding it.
  18. Reschedule Appointments: Move medical, service, or maintenance appointments to before or after your trip.
  19. Set Vacation Responders: Set your email and phone to vacation mode with emergency contact details.
  20. Finish Work Ahead of Time: Get as much work done as possible to avoid a backlog upon your return.
  21. Arrange Pet or Child Care: Ensure all their needs are prepped and covered.

Bonus Tips for Returning Home

  • Open Windows: Circulate fresh air when you get back.
  • Check Security System: Ensure everything is as it should be.
  • Grocery Delivery: Have groceries delivered to restock your fridge.
  • Retrieve Key: Have your key returned by your trusted holder.

While most of this may be common sense, it’s easy to forget when you have a long list of to-dos. A Simplified member can help you do all this and more with a simple call, email, or text so you can enjoy your vacation time. And of course, you can refer to this away checklist anytime.


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in June 2022 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.