
Virtual Support Services

As we enter into our second month of isolating during the COVID-19 crisis, we want to remind you that our mission has always been to help you. We miss seeing so many of you in person and up close. There’s nothing normal about this “new normal” and we hope you know we are here to support you. We’re highlighting our virtual services that can help you or someone you know during these uncertain times. Until we can give you a real hug, please accept virtual hugs from our team to all of you.

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How To Throw A Virtual Graduation Party

Graduation is a rite of passage that so many people look forward to. Because of the COVID-19 crisis, there’s a large segment of the population that will have to go without the traditional celebration of a graduation. Walking across the stage to receive their diploma. Hearing the cheers of friends and family at their accomplishment. Celebrating with a party and looking forward to the future. Continue reading


Virtual School Vacation

We’d all normally be reviewing our April vacation plans right about now. But since we are all practicing social distancing, we’ve had to readjust not only our plans but shift our mindsets on what a school vacation can mean. We’re embracing staying home and envisioning what a virtual school vacation can look like.

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