Concierge Services for Personal Managers

Concierge Services for Personal Managers

If you spend your day advising and counseling talent and personalities in the entertainment industry, concierge services may provide all of the assistance you need on an as-needed basis. While you find and develop new talent and create opportunities for those artists you represent, your personal concierge team can check off the timely tasks on your to-do list. And you won’t have to worry about the privacy of your clients when you hire a reputable company with years of experience.

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Virtual Support Spotlight: Getting Ahead On Life

Our lives have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 crisis. For some of us, focusing on what we can do brings a sense of calm.

Let’s use this time to get ahead on all of the projects that come up that we never have time to get to. That way when we stop social distancing and life gets back to the daily craziness, you’ll have all of these projects checked off of your list. Here are some ideas:

  • Address lists for next year’s holiday cards
  • A list of all of the important dates coming up this year for birthdays, anniversaries and special days. We can order flowers or a gift and have it sent directly with a note from you!
  • Let’s order and make those summer camp care packages now. You’ll be so thankful come July!
  • There will also come a time when we can travel again…let us start planning your holiday vacations for next winter and beyond.

Ask how we can help with you get ahead on all of your projects through our Virtual Support Services.


Boston Based Virtual Assistant for Traveling Professionals

Business and travel have always gone hand in hand. It’s estimated that 1.3 million business trips happen every day in the United States. For many of these professionals, they spend more time in airports and hotel rooms than in their own homes. That can make things like home to-do lists or administrative tasks difficult to complete. And, who wants to drop off dry cleaning on one of the few days back home? This is where a virtual assistant comes in handy.

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