Antique furniture

Restoring Antique (Or Not) Furniture

We all have well loved furniture. Some of it may be antique. Others maybe not. Instead of tossing, why not restore it so it can be used for many years, and possibly generations to come?

Here are our tips on restoring furniture:

First – Assess

You need to figure out if restoration is really worth it. Consider sentimentality, cost and time.

DIY Route

If this is something you’re going to undertake yourself, be sure to consult the experts. A couple of our favorite furniture restorations blogs include Salvaged Inspirations and I Restore Stuff.

Take It To The Experts

Sometimes certain pieces can only be restored by professionals. A skill furniture conservator takes pride in getting a piece of furniture restored.

Remember – furniture isn’t the only thing that can be restored. Think art, china, and even books.

If you need help with a restoration project, contact us about our Home Management services.